
0906 Fehlfarben2 Credit Roland Bertram

Even today, Germany’s pop scene uses this group’s language: “Es liegt ein Grauschleier über der Stadt / Den meine Mutter noch nicht weggewaschen hat“ (There’s a grey stain over this city /which my mother hasn’t washed out yet), these are the lyrics senior school students wrote in each other’s poetry albums way back when. Meanwhile, the author and singer of the quoted lines worked part-time at Xerox, Düsseldorf. Because it was more punk. Peter Hein was his name, Fehlfarben the band’s. Monarchie und Alltag is the most important German-language new wave album. With “Ein Jahr (Es geht voran)”, they landed a hit wherever it could be one. Even in the pop charts. Fehlfarben are currently on tour with Monarchie und Alltag.



09.06.21:30 Uhr
