Jennifer Gegenläufer

1206 J Gegenläufer Panorama

Born in Braunschweig, last lived in Leipzig, now Hamburg: that’s Jennifer Gegenläufers biography in the geo-matrix so far. So far still pretty normal. But first of all: she*he makes beats. Secondly: she*he is an MC. Which in truth was rare in the otherwise diverse German rap business. Thirdly: Jennifer Gegenläufer raps about homophobia and hate speech and everything that’s queer; and she*he takes a position in identity politics in the process: here I am, she*he says, and I don’t want to have to decide where to tick the box of unambiguous gender. All brought together in her*his mischievous flow. On tour in front of thousands with Sokee, tonight Jennifer Gegenläufer is by her*himself just for us.

Jennifer Gegenläufer


12.06.21:30 Uhr
