
Panorama 980 300

Zoukak Theatre Company .Beirut . Libanon

Accounts from political prisoners
1.90 m x 90 cm; 25 m x 5 m; 1.60 m x 60 cm – those are the dimensions of the cells belonging to seven Lebanese men who will tell us about their imprisonment on stage. They each spent between ten and fifteen years of their lives as political prisoners in Syrian prisons. Despite the inhumane conditions in the prisons, they found moments of solidarity with each other. The seven men are still struggling with their return to society after their release today. Hauntingly – and sometimes humorously – they give an account of their experiences in this piece of documentary theatre, thereby also giving themselves and those still in prison a voice.    

Untitled was created in collaboration with former political prisoners from the Association of Lebanese Political Detainees in Syria (LPDS)and in cooperation with the NGO UMAM Documentation & Research, which works on coming to terms with and documenting war and violence against the civil population in Lebanon. Seven Lebanese men who were political detainees in Syrian prisons bear witness. In their own words, they share their experiences during the ten to 15 years they were imprisoned, and remind us of those who still are.

Sponsored by Goethe-Institut 

Zoukak Theatre Company

Direction Omar Abi Azar . Junaid Sarieddeen With Ali Abou Dehen . Raymond Bouban . Rachid Mirhom . Moussa Saab . Saadeddine Saifeddine . Moustafa Chamssidine . Elias TaniosStage . Light Nadim Deaibes Sound Jawad Chaaban Stage Manager Sari Shrayteh Light Engineering Salim Abou Ayash Technics Bahaa Baddour Assistance Fadi Ajlan Translation Lara Mekkawi . Frances Smallwood Coordination Rana Aaraj Poster Design Maya Chami Communication Marianne Kortbani Production Monika Borgmann Co-Production Zoukak Theatre Company . UMAM Documentation & Research With Thanks to Institut für Auslandsbeziehungen (ifa) . Auswärtiges Amt Deutschland

Ballhof Zwei

21.06.20:00 Uhr

22.06.20:00 Uhr . nach der Vorstellung

AdmissionVVK 18 Euro . AK 20 Euro
ConcessionsVVK 9 Euro . AK 10 Euro
Introduction22.06. 19.30 Uhr . Ballhof Café
LanguageLebanese Arabic with german and english subtitles

Symposium with Zoukak 22.06. 14.00 Uhr . Foyer Schauspielhaus
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