A Workshop by Bundesakademie für Kulturelle Bildung Wolfenbüttel

Pano Ba Wolfenbüttel Tf Web Illu1 Rz

A good conversation

Meeting and workshop with Mats Staub 

In cooperation with the festival, the Bundesakademie für Kulturelle Bildung will hold a workshop that will offer insights into the Swiss artist Mats Staub’s special way of working. Participants in the workshop will visit the show Death and Birth in My Lifeand take part in the discussion Hannover neu erzählen: artistic strategies for multi-layered narratives (see above) with Mats Staub and Marco Canale, director of Die Geschwindigkeit des Lichts.

FRI June 21st
2.30 pm - around 9.00 pm
More at www.bundesakademie.de
Register with christina.guenther@bundesakademie.de