
Horácio Macuácua . Idio Chichava .Maputo . Mozambique

A dance rebellion against thinking in stereotypes

What if we didn’t view the supposedly distinct categories of contemporary and traditional dance as irreconcilable opposites? If rhythms passed down for centuries and computer-generated sounds could enter into a symbiosis, if a choreography could be inspired by diverse sources, whether they belonged to the canon of dance history as defined by Western thinking or not? Theka is a choreography beyond the assumptions of this question. In it, together with the 14 musicians and dancers belonging to the company Associação Cultural Hodi, Mozambican choreographers Horácio Macuácua and Idio Chichava bring a piece of dance to the stage that wilfully and amusingly reclaims every possible freedom for itself. Gesture by gesture, step by step, with hesitant feet feeling their way forward and giant leaps across space, in burlesque duos and dynamic group scenes, they develop a language of movement that defies any categorisation.

Direction and Choreography Horácio Macuácua . Idio Chichava In Collaboration with Associação cultural Hodi Co-production Kinani . YODINE . Festival Theaterformen With Nilégio Cossa . Paulo Inácio . Eugénio Macuvel . Augusto Manhiça . Elias Manhiça . Ivan Mathis . Armando Nhamucume . Judite Novela . Osvaldo Passirivo . Vasco Sitoe . Erzénia Tamele Music Nandele Maguni  

Funded by the TURN Fund of the German Federal Cultural Foundation (Kulturstiftung des Bundes)
Funded by the Goethe-Institut

Staatstheater Grosses Haus

16.06.19:00 Uhr

AdmissionVVK 24/18 Euro . AK 26/20
ConcessionsVVK 12/9 Euro . AK 13/10
Introduction16.06. 18.30 Uhr . Louis-Spohr-Saal
Warm-up16.06. 18.00 Uhr . Großes Haus . Treffpunkt Kassenfoyer
Duration1h . keine Pause
LanguagePortugueses with German and English surtitles

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