Festivalcampus Niedersachsen
For the seventh consecutive year, Festival Theaterformen is hosting the Festival Niedersachsen: fifty students of cultural and theatre studies, performing arts, scenography and composition from five universities in Lower Saxony are coming to Brunswick. They are invited to participate in the festival, discuss their experiences with the artists and reflect on the performances within seminars and workshops.
Thanks to the generous support of the Stiftung Niedersachsen, in 2024 the project can again take place in close cooperation with the Festival KunstFestSpiele Herrenhausen, which hosted the Festivalcampus in May. The students from Hanover, Hildesheim, Braunschweig, Osnabrück und Lüneburg closely experience two festivals and a variety of aesthetics that allow for an artistic and interdisciplinary exchange that might not be possible within a seminar room. Lecturers from various disciplines enable the students to take their perspectives beyond their particular disciplinary horizon.
Within the frame of the Festivalcampus, Festival Theaterformen and KunstFestSpiele offer artists and academics of tomorrow a space for critical reflection and engaged dialogue: the basis of vivid and socially relevant cultural and artistic work.
Production credits
With University of Hildesheim: Institute for Media, Theatre and Popular Culture, Braunschweig University of Art: Professorship "Art in Action", Leuphana University of Lüneburg: Department of Cultural Studies, University of Applied Sciences and Art Hannover: Degree programme "Scenography – Costume – Experimental Design", University of Applied Sciences Osnabrück: Institute for Theatre Pedagogy Fotos Moritz Küstner
Conception, Realisation Antonia Rohwetter, Philipp Schulte
Funded by Stiftung Niedersachsen.
An initiative of KunstFestSpiele Herrenhausen in cooperation with Festival Theaterformen.